Mozaika-T MMC is an Azerbaijani company
that specializes in language and translation services.
The Caucasus is a beautiful and colourful mosaic of languages and cultures.
Mozaika-T aims to support this beautiful mosaic by offering professional skills and expertise in the areas of linguistics and translation.
The work of Mozaika-T includes:
- conducting research on the local languages;
- collecting indigenous stories, idioms and other texts in the local languages and transcribing
- translating these unique texts into Azerbaijani, Russian, and English;
- translating relevant texts into local languages to make them accessible to speakers of these
- offering support and training to people from various language groups in the work of translation;
- making linguistic data available to academics and other interested people for further research
and study, in order to contribute toward a greater national and international understanding of
these languages;
- preparing publications and media in the local languages.